Hey Dolls....So Last we spoke I was beginning my hair journey which is going quite well.....I use Aphogee products which are great and they are really growing my hair out and making it thicker and fuller I do this every 2 weeks......I also roller set then blowout so that saves me a bundle....My hair is doing great since I am 12 weeks post relaxer (tryna make it to 24 then relax)....I did have some breakage around the temple area which I do recommend
Dr. Miracle's Temple & Nape Gro Balm.....U put it on the temple area and nape (neck area) twice a day for 30 days....It smells like vicks vapor rub a lilttle bit but it undetectable to others (My husband couldnt smell a thing)...It tingles a bit when u rub it in but thats normal, means its working.
I also recommend
Chi Silk Infusion.....This stuff is like liquid silk....U rub it into the hair just before u rollerset or blowdry and ur hair has shine..bounce...and it feels like silk.. I cant believe I lived without this for so long.....
Aside from stretching my relaxer and washing every 2 weeks I wear a protective style..because in order to see growth its best not to manipulate ur hair too often (Ex:styling it or heat)...Which is why I wear a half wig so I only have to style the front.
Have A Great Hair Day:)